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When it comes to the costs that are included in your home, heating and cooling will make up about 50 percent of them each year.  Depending on where you live in the country, the heating or cooling can be more or less than the other.  That is why it is important that you make sure that you are doing regular maintenance on the equipment that is needed to keep you cool or warm.  Your furnace and air conditioner unit are very costly to replace, but if you can keep up with a regular maintenance schedule there is no reason why they will not last you 10 year or more.  If you are wondering whether or not you need to get a check up for your A/C, you probably do.  There are some things that you can do as the owner of the equipment, but some of the tasks might require a professional.

Checking the filter is the easiest task

Most air conditioner units will come with some sort of air filter.  Basically, the air conditioner needs direct access to fresh air to run properly and if there is a filter inside that is clogged with bugs, dirt, dust and other debris, it will cause problems for the unit.  A good time to check the filter is around the first holiday of the cooling season and in most places that would be Memorial Day.  Using a holiday to mark the occasion where you check the filter is a good way to remember the task year after year.  In most cases, changing the filter once per year is plenty of maintenance for the unit, but in the other cases, it would be smart to hire a professional to come to your home and do a more thorough checkup.

Professional companies offer more than one option

North Pole air conditioning and heating services can stop by the house any number of times per year if you are not comfortable with the maintenance of your unit.  Companies like North Pole air conditioning and heating services will charge a one-time fee if you need maintenance once per year, but sometimes they might offer a plan where you pay once per year and they arrive at regular scheduled times to maintain your equipment.  You might not think that your air conditioner needs to be tuned up each year, but the professionals would disagree with that.  Keeping up on the once per year, every year schedule will keep the costs of the maintenance down and keep your air conditioner running at peak performance all year long.

Outdoor air conditioners get very dirty

If you have a whole house, or central air conditioner unit, you should realize that it will be getting much dirtier than a unit that is mounted inside the wall or put into a window each year.  Coils can get loaded with dirt and dust when the unit is outside and that is where most of the problems start for you in the middle of the hot summer months.  The coils need to be clean to maintain a sufficient amount of performance that is needed during the hot summer months.  One myth about central air units is that they should not be in the sun, but that is not the case.  As long as you have air flow around the unit, it will run well compared to a unit that is crowded by shrubs or other plants.

What does the professional look at during the inspection

Companies like North Pole air conditioning and heating services will come to your home to maintain your central air unit that is mounted outside of your home.  The general inspection will include looking at the indoor coil, outdoor coil, compressor, capacitors and all of the electrical wires that run to and from the unit.  A coil that is dirty or a motor that is overheating can cost you up to 5 percent in overall cooling costs.  Saving that 5 percent for a rainy day is something that everyone should think about when it comes to keeping your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer months in the area where you live.


Hits: 6293

As you all may know, we were selected by Wells Fargo Works to receive a small business make over! We are so thankful and are happy to see our business grow!

If you would like to read more information about the content, check out the Press Release written about us!

Hits: 6675

Posted by on in Uncategorized

This is a no common "No cooling" service call.
We arrived to the place and after a detailed inspection we found this electrical issue. We noticed the main circuit breaker for the air handling unit kept tripping and this is why. Notice in the picture the pattern of the issue. The cause was a sharp edge inside the connector that over the years and the vibration produced by the air handler when in operation was eating the insulation of the power wire until it went all the way through.
This is not a common issue but from time to time we find surprises. This is one of them. We cut the damaged part of the wire and installed a new non fuse service disconnect box and a new power wire.
We left the place with our client happy and with the system up, running, cooling and draining okay.
Do not hesitate to give us a call.
Here at North Pole Air Conditioning and Heating Services, Inc. we are ready for any challenge. You won't be disappointed because we are in business to give what you want most: COMFORT at affordable prices.


Hits: 6300

Especially during Florida’s brutal summers, more and more people will be turning on their air conditioning units. Air conditioners account for nearly 20% of your energy consumption, and with the higher demand during the hot summer months; you can expect to see a pretty big spike in your electricity bill if you aren’t careful about how you are using your AC. The following are some professional tips on cutting costs on your air conditioning bill.

1. Use Your Thermostat Properly
If you have central air conditioning that is controlled by a thermostat, you can use a programmable thermostat to save you a mountain of money by increasing the heat significantly during the day, while there is no one home. The contrast between the temperature outside and the temperature inside matters just as much if not more than the overall temperature in your home. Setting your thermostat to 78 degrees has consistently been shown to have a good balance between being comfortable, and also saving money.

2. Maintain A Clean Air Filter
Regardless of if you have central air conditioning, or a single room air conditioner, having a dirty filter will make your unit less efficient. A less efficient air conditioning unit will mean more money that you will be virtually just throwing away. It is always a good idea to check your HVAC air filter on a monthly basis, and expect that it will need to be changed every 3 months or so.

3. Get An Annual Maintenance Check-Up
Especially if you have a centralized air conditioning unit, having an annual check-up from an air conditioning specialist will likely save you money in the long run. It is much easier to fix a small potential problem before it arises than to try to fix it after it has already caused damage. It is highly likely that if the problem has gone unchecked for an extended period of time, you could have done extensive damage to your unit. Replacement units are not cheap, so we always recommend a quality maintenance plan or at the very least an annual inspection for damages.

4. Think About What You Actually Need
Cooling a single room that you spend the majority of your time in will cost you far less money than using a centralized air conditioner to cool your entire house. If you are in the market for a new air conditioner, think about how it will be used, and do some research into which type will work best for your energy saving needs.

5. Energy Star
Regardless of what type of unit you are buying, efficiency will matter. An energy star central air system will be able to cool you home and use about 15% less energy than the minimal required government standards. Paying the extra money up front for the more efficient unit will save you money in the long run.

Using these helpful tips you should be able to save yourself a pretty penny every month on your air conditioning expenses. If you have any questions or concerns about your air conditioning unit, you can always feel free to contact us, we will be happy to assist you.

Hits: 7095

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